You can build
anything in WordPress
Subscribe and I'll let you know when there are more free themes and plugin.
Start with one of my themes, and build from here.
I've spent 15+ years building WordPress themes for clients. Now I'd really like to share that experience with you and other builders to discover what can be built in WordPress with your own themes and plugins.
Built to be simple, organized, and lightweight with no ads or messy dashboard modifications.
Last updated
A shortcode which generates a simple string indicating when the current post was last updated.
Time since
Provide a date and return a simple formatted string such as “2 days ago”, or “just now”.
Time to read
A simple shortcode which generates a simple string of text “x minutes” to insert how you like.
Maintenance mode
When enabled, all requests redirect users to one specific URL. Simple, lightweight, functional with no extra CSS or markup.
Highlight to share
Pre-define highlighted shareable text, or allow users to highlight and their their own selections.
Better pagination markup for WordPress. Simple, no CSS, style the markup yourself.